Friday, 22 January 2016

Haul - Too Much Shopping (or not enough)

Hey guys!

It's me again, and this time in changing things slightly with a haul post. I always love watching videos of hauls, or reading up on what people have brought, and their reviews. 

So a week ago now, me and my lovely friend, and fellow blogger (Miss Kitty Kaos, off Adventures Of A Riot Girrrl)  went on a bit of a catch up around merry hill (merry hill is located in the West Midlands, where I'm from). The point of the catch up was to discuss blogging, which never actually came up. What did Happen though, was shopping. 

We went in a few different shop, and it was a great day. I thought I would share with you, the things that I got. 

So the first stop was Primark. Now I love a good bargain, and for me, you can pick up some beautiful things from there. A lot of the clothes you can make look a lot more expensive then what they actually are. 

I didn't buy clothes this time, however, I got a few accessories. First of all, they had a sale on the men's hats and scarves. So I took advantage and brought myself a hat. It was £1.50, and it's just a basic burgundy hat, but it's lovely and warm. 

This is the hat, and what it looks like on, I love it. 

Next, I picked up a couple of rings. Again, I don't really buy statement rings, but these just caught my eye. One is black (I only really wear black) and one is red. They are just simple, statement placetic gems. Both £1.50.

And finally from Primark, I brought some new earrings. It's been a while since I brought or even wear earrings because I used to stretch my ears. But I saw these and thought they seemed cool. They are both gold and silver, and they are dangly. These were £2.

Next shop was Tiger. I love this shop. It is full of really cool Nick-nack goodies. If you have one by you, defiantly check them out. I brought a couple of things from here, one being a purple velvet.notebook, however that is at work so I'm unable to show you lovelies. However it was priced at £2.

Next, again, I brought more earrings. They had so many cute studs, and I'm defiantly wanting more from there. The first lot I picked up was a pack of two, (really sorry I can't remember the price of any of these). The two pack, had some basic red circle studs, but the reason I got these, were for the gold wishbone studs. I love wishbones, and anything like that, such as rib cages, lungs, really random bits. 

Second lot that I picked were cute triangles again, this time they are a lovely bright turquoise colour. And they go lovely with my hair being as I have blue tips. 

And lastly, we went to the poundshop. Good 'ole Poundland. The main reason for me to go here, was because I had been after some hair chalks. And my lovely friend Miss Kitty, advised that Poundland were selling Urban Fudge chalks. So I was really excited for that. So when we went in, I was on the lookout. And I found them. They had a wide range of colours from red, to blue, to pink. I decided to settle on the pink and the purple shade that were available. Of course, these were £1 each, however I believe the RRP is £5-£6. 

I have tried the purple quickly, but it didn't really do much, but I'm unsure if it was just my quick application, so I will have another go at this.

Have you brought anything lately, have you used the hair chalks, what are your views? Let me know in the comments :).

Thank you as always for reading! 

Until next time! 



  1. A lovely time it was too! I can't believe we got in the car and then was like ooooooh yeah blogging hahah x

    1. I Know!! We had too much fun talking about life and catching up! It was so much fun though!! I think we just talk too much hahaha :) xx
